Once a month on a Thursday evening from May - August we hold a lovely social event where you play 9 holes (1-4 & 14- 18) in a friendly Stableford format followed by a themed light meal in the Clubhouse afterwards. You can start any time between 16:00 - 18:00 and it's a great way to get to know other members of the Club with a couple of hours golf and an hour or so of social chat afterwards. Cris & Lis put on a themed menu each month, last night it was down to sunny Spain. The deserving winner in June was Rod Rawson with an excellent 22 points, he really is Mr Stoke Rochford GC having held numerous posts on the various Boards & Committees over the years and just as importantly always offering his services volunteering for pretty much anything and everything the Club is looking for. A life member along with his wife Judy, they have been at the Club for over 50 years and are always pleased to reminisce about days gone by. Rod is pictured receiving his Pro Shop voucher from Club Captain Peter Smith & Lady Captain Pauline Haggerty.
It may have been a slightly unusual day yesterday in that the vast majority of players were visitors competing in England Golf's Race to Woodhall Spa but the photo shows the volume of balls collected this morning, all from that one day!! When EG first visited the Club to discuss the event in October last year the practise area looked much like it had done for many many years so they were pleasantly surprised to see the huge improvement given the limited space we have available. Just to quash a few rumours circulating about members collecting balls to reuse we can confirm that a couple of authorised members kindly offered to collect balls from the very edges of the practise area and even in the woods as obviously the tractor can only collect balls in the open spaces, their nominal "payment" for doing this was to then hit a few of the balls back down the range (hopefully where the tractor can easily collect them). So please, do not go around collecting and reusing the balls unless authorised.
Your surname relates to the hole we're asking you to please take responsibility for by actively looking around for unprepaired pitch marks and fix them. The quicker they're repaired the better of course!!! 1. A-Bel 2. Bem-Bru 3. Bua-Cli 4. Coc-Dex 5. Dic-Eve 6. Ewa-Gos 7. Gre-Harr 8. Harv-Hug 9. Hum-Ker 10. Kil-Mall 11. Man-Mit 12. Moo-Pay 13. Pea-Rawl 14. Raws-Sen 15. Sha-Stai 16. Stan-Thom 17. Thor-Way 18. Wea-You THANK YOU
Our Club Captain Gareth Tamblyn-Jones' fund raising during his year in office has paid for approx 150 new trees to be planted in various locations all around the course, they are all securely staked and as such are to be treated as no play zones. If a player’s ball lies on or touches such a tree or such a tree interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing, the player MUST take relief under Rule 16.1f. Failure to take full relief incurs a 2 shot penalty in stroke play or loss of hole in matchplay. Identify the NEAREST point of full relief and drop within 1 club length not nearer the hole.