Membership categories to suit how often & when you want to play

Don't have time to play regularly? Low Frequency Flexi could be what you need!

  • Annual subscriptions cover the period 1st April - 31st March, if you join part way through the subscription year you pay a pro rated fee
  • Subscriptions can be paid in full by BACS transfer or credit/debit card, alternatively we operate a zero added cost Direct Debit scheme allowing payments to be spread over 10 months (pro rated if joining part way through the subscription year)
    -- DD payment not available to Junior & Social categories due to low value and high admin fees
    * Levies are payable in all categories with some exceptions for Juniors
    -- EGU/LGU fees Gents £20.25 (includes Juniors from age 12)
    -- EGU/LGU fees Ladies £23.25 (includes Juniors from age 12)
    -- Irrigation levy £30 (not applicable to Juniors)
  • To check for Mid Distant & Distant eligibility please using the following tool
    -- Click here, use the "Radius around a point map", enter NG33 5EW in point 2 followed by "Draw radius"
  • Special discounts available as long as documentary evidence is provided
    -- Military & Blue Light services 10% on Full memberships, 5% on other categories except LFF & Student
    -- Apprenticeships qualify for same rate as Students in full time education
  • Membership Ts & Cs can be seen by following this link

Category Annual Subscription (01/04/25 - 31/03/26) Description
Full Member £1,274 + levies 35 years and over
5 day Member £1,097 + levies Monday - Friday, £15 green fee if playing on Saturday or Sunday
Young £905 + levies 30 - 34 years on 1st April
Mid Young £723 + levies 25 - 29 years on 1st April
Intermediate £637 + levies 18 -24 years on 1st April
Student & Apprentice £248 + levies Anyone 18 years or over in full time education or on a recognised apprenticeship scheme
80 years plus £637 + levies 80 years or over on 1st April, must have been a member for 20 consecutive years
Mid Distant £905 + levies Home address must be 30 <> 49.9 miles as the crow flies from SRGC (NG33 5EW)
Distant £711 + levies Home address must be > 50 miles as the crow flies from SRGC (NG33 5EW)
Full Flexible (FF) £810 + levies Aimed at members wishing to play about 25 - 40 times per year, can play more, see details below
Low Frequency Flexible (LFF) £472 + levies Aimed at members wishing to play about 12 - 20 times per year, can play more, £78 joining fee applies 1st year, see details below
Junior (12-18) £80 + EGU/LGU levies, no irrigation levy Up to and including 17 years of age on 1st April
Junior (up to 12) £50 no levies Up to and including 11 years of age on 1st April
Social £20 Social membership for use of Clubhouse facilities only

Flexible memberships

Full Flexi (FF) membership
-- An alternative for those who don't play sufficiently often to justify full membership
-- Your annual subscription pays for the same number of points e.g. £810 = 810 points which are charged at the following rates when you play
+++ Weekend tee times starting between 08:00 - 09:29 will be charged 33.75 points
+++ Weekend tee times starting between 09:30 - 10:29 will be charged 29.25 points
+++ All other times at weekend and during the week will be charged 24.75 points, retaining the principle of a maximum of 33 rounds for your subscription before needing to top up
+++ Rounds played at other courses during Kymin week will be charged as though they were played at home
-- Unused points at the end of the year are carried forward as long as you continue to pay the flexible member subscription

Low Frequency Flexi (LFF) membership
-- Aimed at those only wishing to play 12 - 20 rounds per year (can play more often)
-- Your annual subscription pays for the same number of points e.g. £472 = 472 points which are charged at the following rates when you play
+++ Weekend tee times starting between 08:00 - 09:29 will be charged 41.14 points
+++ Weekend tee times starting between 09:30 - 10:29 will be charged 36.30 points
+++ All other times at weekend and during the week will be charged 31.46 points
+++ Points can be topped up during the year
-- Unused points at the end of the year are carried forward as long as you continue to pay the flexible member subscription
-- New members pay a joining fee of £94.40 (20% of subscription) in 1st year
-- Restrictions apply
+++ Cannot sign in guests at preferential rate
+++ Cannot enter certain competitions
+++ Cannot play in team matches
+++ Cannot access Kymin week benefits
+++ Cannot vote at AGM/EGM

CASC - Community Amateur Sports Club
Stoke Rochford Golf Club is a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) and as such is committed to making golf available to all members of the community. We welcome applications for membership from those who would not otherwise be able to afford membership arrangements due to their personal financial position and are pleased to accept applications from such individuals on a confidential basis. In these instances, we have the ability to make person specific arrangements for the individual to play at the Club. These arrangements are reviewed and can be renewed each year. Likewise, the Club is committed to assisting existing members whose financial or personal circumstances may have changed to retain their membership with the Club. Anybody who wishes to be considered for or discuss a membership through the CASC scheme should contact the Hon. Secretary in confidentiality on 01778 426784 or email him at